Once upon a time, in a vast sky filled with soaring birds, a unique relationship existed between an eagle and a crow. The crow, being the only bird audacious enough, would perch upon the eagle’s back, pecking and annoying it without fear. It possessed a courage that surpassed any other bird, for no one dared to challenge the mighty eagle in such a manner.
A story can change your life if you read it with an open mind…
― Md.Anamul Haque
What made the situation even more intriguing was the response of the eagle. Instead of engaging in a fierce battle or attempting to eliminate the crow, the eagle chose a different approach—one that showcased its wisdom and efficiency. Whenever the crow pestered and disturbed it, the eagle did something remarkable. It swiftly soared higher into the sky, leaving the crow struggling to keep up.
As the eagle ascended to great heights, the air became thin, causing a scarcity of oxygen. Simultaneously, the eagle’s tremendous speed created a powerful force. These combined factors had a profound effect on the crow. It weakened, unable to withstand the adverse conditions and the rapid pace set by the eagle. Consequently, the crow faltered and fell swiftly from its perch on the eagle’s back.
The symbolism within this tale resonates deeply in the journey of life. In our own lives, we encounter individuals who resemble the crow—people who constantly criticize, annoy and disrupt our paths. They may be our acquaintances, relatives, friends, or even colleagues. Yet, it is important to recognize that engaging in confrontation with them or wasting our precious time and energy is not the most fruitful approach.
Instead, the story of the eagle and the crow teaches us a valuable lesson. To reach our ultimate goals and aspirations, we must focus on increasing our speed and effort. Just as the eagle soars higher, we should strive to elevate ourselves by enhancing our skills, knowledge, and determination. By doing so, we create a momentum that propels us forward, leaving behind those who try to impede our progress.
The crows, in their weakness, become unable to keep pace with our growth. They falter and are swept away in the tumultuous storms of life, unable to hinder our journey towards success. It is through our unwavering commitment, perseverance, and unwavering focus that we overcome the obstacles and distractions that come our way.
So, in the face of adversity and negativity, remember the wisdom of the eagle. Rise above, soar higher, and let your actions speak louder than words. Embrace the challenges as opportunities for personal growth and progress, leaving the crows behind in their weakness.
Ultimately, the story of the eagle and the crow reminds us to stay determined and focused on our goals. By staying true to our ambitions, we can triumph over any obstacles that come our way, leaving the naysayers and detractors in our wake.